Costa del Sol - warum!

Annual sunshine hours map of the world Annual sunshine hours map of the world


Costa del Sol - the sunny coast. The CDS has almost 3,000 hours of sunshine on 320 days a year, on average.

On all those 320 sunny days this would give you on average just over 9 hours a day.

Ok, summer days are longer, winter days shorter. But, take January 2018 and, in Marbella, you could have had the  perfect summer compared to many Northern European places. Days too hot to be out in the sun around midday, well above 20 degrees Celsius, 7 plus hours of sunshine, .... To compare the average monthly weather details look here for:

  average per year
  temperature sunshine
  °C hours in %
Marbella 19 2900 100%
London 10 1410 49%
Berlin 10 1625 56%
Copenhagen 1 1780 61%







Once you have done your maths - a few simple things to manage these sunny prospects well:

  • Bring your sun cream all year round - and use it
  • at least in summer follow the locals - beach time until 11:00 and again from 17:00.
  • bring an umbrella  to the beach all year round - you can then choose when to stay out of the sun.
  • you will get a good taint even when you walk or sit outside in the shade
  • drink enough water
  • enjoy the warmth, don't overdue it